Bremen: Kunsthalle and Schnoor

When I last visited Bremen, I wanted to visit the Universum Science Center. Unfortunately I only had a very bad digital camera (think about digi-zoom only, 2.1 megapixel) because I lent my better camera to my best friend (which I don’t regret because she travelled to a foreign country). So today it was the time for another sightseeing trip to Bremen, equipped with my best camera and my video camera as well. There is an exhibition at the Kunsthalle about early computer graphics (before 1980) which I definitely wanted to see.

From Hamburg you travel about 75 minute by regional train. I immediately went to the tourist information at the central station to get a map of the central city. We walked the rest of the way.

Various paintings

The exhibition was an interesting mixture of chaotic, psychedelic pictures and clearly defined mathematic ones. Early attempts to create graphics that looked like famous people were on display as well as large dot-matrix prints showing images that you have to look at with some distance. I recognised some of the art works from my programming books and they also had some old computer books inside glas cases (no chance to buy them, unfortunately). Surprisingly, most of the more ambitious works were created using the vast computing power of the by-then big computer companies. Mostly with the official blessing of the executives.
The computer art was a special exhibition, the museum also has permanent ones. Lots of classic art and even some modern art including video installations. A strange but refreshing mixture. Now I definitely want to throw some kitchen garbage at a canvas to create some art – oh, did I mention that there was also a small Yoko Ono exhibition?


The old quarter of Bremen with narrow streets and lots of shops.

Schnoor is Bremen’s oldest quarter with lots of small shops, restaurants and bars. This is one of the main sight-seeing spots and a good place to spend some Euros.

Old town of Bremen

The Chinese restaurant we went to was not at the Schnoor but nearby. After eating we walked a bit through the old part of town and then returned to the central station with the tram.

Stone blockers usually used to protect beaches

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Loves to travel in Japan, but is open to explore the major and lesser known sights of Germany.

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