Vinyl Shopping in Hamburg

There’s nothing cooler than collecting vinyl, so I went on a tour to three vinyl stores in Hamburg: Slam Records, Freiheit und Roosen and Minigroove.

A friend of mine started collecting vinyl a couple of months ago. Her collection is quite impressive (quantity), but I’m not sure about the quality. I stopped expanding my collection years ago, but held onto my records that I bought back in the day. There’s Queen, Kate Bush, Duran Duran and Kraftwerk on my record shelf.

And I still love owning these records, even though I no longer own a record player. My taste in music also shifted quite a bit.

But browsing records is still fun, and besides checking out vintage clothing stores, I also visited vinyl shops. Many stores are located in the St. Pauli quarter, but expect to walk quite a bit from store to store.


Vinyl+CD+DVD: Minigroove
Vinyl outside: Minigroove

This store is vinyl inside and out – although it also has a collection of books, comics and tapes – across all genres. Outside was the bargain bin area with CDs and DVDs, the inside was quite small and if you’re not finding what you are looking for, it’s best to ask the knowledgeable owners.

Simon-von-Utrecht-Straße 17, 20359 Hamburg,

Freiheit und Roosen

Freiheit und Roosen

Bigger than Minigroove, but even more difficult to navigate. I had to take off my backpack because of the narrow aisles. The whole decoration felt suitably vintage, but I had trouble finding records of my favorite artists. Freiheit und Roosen sells audio equipment as well – not the cheap faux retro of course. I can see myself spending some time at this store, it definitely put me into the record browsing mood. Are these ice skating shoes hanging from the ceiling?!?

As with all record stores, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, ask. The store may have the record you’re looking for in their inventory.

Kleine Freiheit 80, 22767 Hamburg,

Freiheit und Roosen: Even more vinyl
Freiheit und Roosen & vinyl
Freiheit und Roosen

Slam Records

Slam Records

Compared to the other two stores, Slam Records is far more spacious and easier to navigate. It’s also easy to find and just a short walk from the Rote Flora Cultural Centre. Just like at the other stores, staff knows their stuff and will help you out if you’re looking for a particular record. If you associate a record store with a crammed space where you can’t turn 360 degrees, you won’t feel at home at Slam Records. Chances are, that you’re going to be in this area anyway if you visit Hamburg.

Schulterblatt 104, 20357 Hamburg,

Slam Records
Rote Flora
Rote Flora

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Loves to travel in Japan, but is open to explore the major and lesser known sights of Germany.

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