Burgplatz Christmas Market: The One with a Wheel

Burgplatz Christmas Market in Düsseldorf is the place where you can both satisfy your glow whine needs and get a great view from a ferris wheel.

By this point, you’ve probably walked through some of Düsseldorf’s other Christmas market. So it’s likely that you wear the Christmas Market wrist band already. This will get you through the Corona controls quicker. As with every other Christmas market here, 2G (vaccinated/recovered) rules apply and the Burgplatz market has staff at the entrances.

The ferris wheel can be seen from various points of Düsseldorf’s Old Town and is in the middle of this Christmas market. This in turn means that it’s also a place get a top view of some markets in Düsseldorf!

Booths at the Burgplatz Christmas Market

Burgplatz Christmas Market

The booths around the ferris wheel have a very distinct look. They look like an amusement park version of a French village. They are made to look like multi-storey houses but the top floor, flowers and windows are fake of course.

While there’s a booth selling crêpe, the booths don’t share a common food theme. There also was a certain feeling missing, it isn’t as cozy as some of the more traditional Christmas markets. So I walked around the market and took photos, but I didn’t feel to make a stop and grab some glow whine.

Burgplatz Christmas Market
Burgplatz Christmas Market

Ferris wheel

But the big ferris wheel is definitely a looker, basking the area in blue light. It’s called the “Wheel of Vision” and has 42 gondola. As the Burgplatz is next to the Rhine river, you also get a great view of the river area.

Düsseldorf ferris wheel


If you’re looking for coziness, you just have to walk to the other Christmas market at the Burgplatz. Heimatdörfchen Düsseldorf has an emphasis on local dishes both for carnivores and vegans.

Heimatdörfchen Düsseldorf

Location + more info

Wheel of Vision

Open from
November 22-January 9,
Mon-Thu, Sun: 11am-9pm,
Fri, Sat: 11am-10pm
Christmas markets: Open until December 30

Free (Christmas market)
Ferris wheel: 8 Euro (adults), 6 Euro (children)

Burgplatz, Düsseldorf

Corona rule
2G (vaccinated/recovered)

Düsseldorf ferris wheel
Burgplatz Christmas Market

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Loves to travel in Japan, but is open to explore the major and lesser known sights of Germany.

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