Oscar Natural Good Food & Bar in Koblenz

Completing a great day trip, I made a brief stop at Oscar in Koblenz, a vegan/vegetarian restaurant. Did the dinner taste as good as it looked?

Arriving at 6pm, there was plenty of space to sit outside. Oscar also serves breakfast on Saturdays and Sundays. The lunch + dinner menu is short, but can be varied. You can create your own mix by selecting from “osacars favorites” (falafel, hummus, beetroot, oven vegetables among others) or choose between two bowls and three wraps. Pasta and salad are also on the menu.

Healthy drink at Oscar

I chose the curry bowl with edamame and carrot. There’s still a couple of options for the two bowls: You can choose between rice and quinoa, add an egg or add something from “oscars favorites”. I chose “Muhammara”, because I’ve never heard about it before. It’s apparently eaten as a dip with bread or as a meat sauce.

But muhammara had no problem socializing with a pure vegan bowl. The bowl was a great mix of different textures and tastes. It did taste as good as it looked!  The curry bowl costs 10,80 Euro + 2,50 Euro for the muhammara. All meals are in a price range of 9,20 to 11,90 Euro. Oscar also offers a changing selection of cakes. The restaurant offers takeout as well.

I didn’t have time for cake that day because I had a train to catch at Koblenz central station. Fortunately it’s just a ten minute walk to the station via Hohenzollernstraße. I did look into other vegan/vegetarian restaurants on my way to Koblenz. Me not being in a mood for vegan burgers, french fries or a buffet, Oscar appealed the most of me. I wasn’t disappointed.

Note that Oscar isn’t in the old town of Koblenz, where many restaurants are located. It’s on the other side.

Location + more info

Oscar natural good food & bar

Hohenzollernstraße 125
56068 Koblenz

Opening hours
Tu-Fr 12-21 o’clock
Sa-Su 10-21 o’clock

Mia Jaap

Journalist, developer and passionate about Japanese and Korean language. Loves to travel in Japan, but is open to explore the major and lesser known sights of Germany.

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